Guide to Creating Content for SEO and Optimize for Google

July 20, 2020

Table of Contents

Instead of writing it for Google, you can write content for users. Fortunately for you, Google is working in a manner that greatly favors content written for individuals. If it wasn’t the case otherwise webmasters wouldn’t be allowed to post stuff because they’d be penalized by Google. You would be dumb to leave SEO (Search Engine Optimization) entirely, however, because it still has its advantages, which are discussed in this post.
Here’s how you create content that’s helpful to users and customize it for Google so your website ranks high.

A Quick Overview of SEO

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization is Internet Speaking Holy Grail. SEO is how to turn up on the first page of your website while users are looking for something online. That’d most of the time be the Google search engine. People are approaching SEO as if a magical magic sauce. No one knows the exact formula that Google is using, but it can be broken down into some fairly simple steps.

What is SEO?

  • Keywords:

Keywords are the words people type into Google when they search for something. It is important for SEO copywriting agencies to use such keywords regularly when writing text. The task for Google is to locate sites that receive user comments. The better you make Google identify your key subject, the higher the chance that it will appear in the search results.

  • Links:

Putting hyperlinks into your posts will do a few things to improve the rankings on Google. It will make your readers more involved in the material. The more time visitors spend on your site, and the more times they return, the higher Google’s site rating will be given.
Linking to other pages also raises the probability that you’ll find other pages. The higher your page would score, the more others connect your site to.

Also, read – How SEO and Content Writing go hand in hand?

  • Traffic:

Google scans to see how many users are visiting the pages. The more users, the more important or fascinating it will be (at least this is what Google counts on). There are options to boost traffic but delivering quality content is the only way to retain the traffic that you get.

How to write great content for people?

The rest of this How-to Guide is based on how to compose SEO copywriting for users. SEO is crucial because going higher in the rating won’t last when the content is decent.

  • Write to your audience

If you write about pipe repair, sewage drains service, and plumbing, who is your audience exactly? If the client is another pipe business, you need to concentrate on producing material that fits in the B2B industry and is technologically sound. So if you deal solely with Jane & John Doe Homeowner then you may need to reduce the degree of competence down to the words of the layman. The Drain Doctor and Licensed Plumber, a New Jersey plumber and pipe repair service, has clients in both categories-for example, they have to walk a fine line between the two customer bases.

How to write great content for people?

  • Write for Easy Reading

For all kinds of reasons, people go online. They’re researching videos to watch. Yet one thing is popular with almost everyone online, they want to be fast and simple whatever they are looking with. Write posts and people can love reading them.

  • Write for 6th Graders

This is not to dumb down the stuff. This means use a common language which is normal. Don’t use a phrase in 14 letters while a letter in 5 is enough.

  • Hyperlink

Links have been mentioned earlier but this is for another reason. You want to link sparingly. Nothing is more irritating than getting underlined every single term in blue. It makes it impossible to understand. So if the link adds interest for the reader, connect to another website by all means. If you want to prove your website is a valuable source of information, try linking to another article or page on your website.

  • Small Paragraphs

When writing material for online some of the things you know from writing in middle school 101 get tossed out of the window. Paragraphs do not necessarily need to include the main paragraph, body sentences, and a final sentence. Using paragraph breaks to help the reader keep track of the article and appreciate it.


We used these SEO copywriting services to increase traffic on my site by 203 percent. And if you don’t reach the same pace of success, you’re going to create more traffic, boost the reputation, and enjoy content marketing.
If you don’t use “persuasion” and “psychology” to boost organic rankings and captivate the audience, I firmly suggest that you start now.

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